
About video games

About video games

    video games 

    video games 

    it's a Games programmed by the Computer,Usually play in video games systems
    like Xbox . PS . PC ... in the video games we played by Game controller  
    Or buttons In Arcade devices or  keyboard and Mouse...  

    video games

    Games are different types from platforms games, adventure, and (RPG), games and straighten the first perspective (FPS), and the third perspective correction games, sports, racing,
    , fighting, and Action
    , Puzzles, simulations, and games In addition to the Web games that play  online,
    and Strategy games Where it played at the same time a large number of players from different regions. 
    It is often a collective games, called MMORPG

    Games history

     History of video games back to a year 1947 When was invented by american Professor called Thomas Goldsmith Game called"Cathode ray tube entertaining tool" 
    The next decade saw the invention of simple games  as : Nimrod in 1951 in Britain And a game "Specoor" in 1961 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    @Posted by
    writer and blogger, founder of ImQGamE .

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